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Non Toxic Environments Home Health & Wellness

Oct 25, 2019

You've heard this from your contractor, or maybe read it in an online chat group.  "That glue will never work" , "that paint only peeled because its one of those eco-friendly paints"...   Today, I'm talking about common misconceptions of the healthy building industry and I try to shed some light on these topics...

Oct 18, 2019

How many time have you heard THAT line...Its not real, its just in your head.  Well today, Jay and I are taking on this topic directly and we'll actually prove that this statement is partially true.  Just because something smells bad, doesn't mean it IS bad.  I expect this episode to get a lot of feedback, so please let...

Oct 11, 2019

In the second part of this topic, Jay and I discuss the costs of the interior furnishings and finishes and how they can add up quickly.  Once again, we prove that building healthy does NOT increase the cost of your home.  Building with high quality, long-lasting materials does.  We discuss drywall, flooring, cabinetry...

Oct 5, 2019

As long as I can remember, there have been three myths about healthy building that are still believed to this day: Its too expensive, the products and systems don't last as long, and you have very little options to chose from.  This episode is part 1 of 2 that will be dealing with the cost myth.  Healthy building is not...