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Non Toxic Environments Home Health & Wellness

Jan 25, 2019

A client asked me a while back, "what does a day for you really consist of?"  Lots of phone calls, emails and face to face customers, for sure.  But most of my involves consulting conversations, then tons of research to back up my recommendations.  I also get to discuss my recommendations with the contractors and design...

Jan 17, 2019

Now that the holidays are over and the house is getting quiet again, this a great time to start those home projects that you wished you could have done before Christmas.  Today, Andy gives an update on several current projects he's consulting on and offers lots of free tips to help you as you move forward.

Jan 10, 2019

After a much needed break to spend time with family and friends this past holiday season, Jay and Andy are back at it to talk about what this new year will mean for NTE.  They conduct some real-time FRAT testing to help out a client in Florida, then discuss some upcoming programming.  Its going to be a great year here...